Student Awards

The Nuclear Engineering program established several awards to recognize different aspects of student excellence. Nominations made by both students and faculty are reviewed by a faculty awards committed that makes the selection The awards are presented yearly during the MANE graduation ceremony, and recognize both undergraduate and graduate students.

The awards were established and maintained be generous donations from our alums.

The Norman C. Francis Award 
The Norman C. Francis award, established in 2021, is presented annually to a senior in Nuclear Engineering who intends to pursue graduate education in Nuclear Physics and its applications. The award is bestowed to recognize excellent scholarship and character as well as demonstrated potential to perform significant research related to nuclear engineering.

The Erwin R. Gaerttner Prize 
The Gaerttner Prize (1975) is awarded to a senior majoring in Nuclear Engineering or Engineering Physics who intends to pursue graduate study in that field. The award consists of income from funds contributed in honor of the late Professor Gaerttner and is bestowed in recognition of excellence in scholarship, character and attitudes, and promise of outstanding performance in research related to nuclear engineering and engineering physics.

The David L. Walthousen Award 
This award, established in 1979, is presented annually to a senior majoring in Nuclear Engineering or Engineering Physics who shows promise of excellence in the experimental aspects of nuclear engineering. The award consists of the annual income from funds contributed by friends and former students of the late L. David Walthousen, supervisor of the R.P.I. Reactor Critical Facility.

The Robert C Block Award
The Block Prize is awarded annually to a graduate student in nuclear engineering and engineering physics who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and creativity in applied radiation technology research toward a master’s or doctoral thesis.

The Nuclear Design Excellence Award
This award is presented annually to those Nuclear Engineering/Engineering Physics seniors who produce the best design project.

The Michael and Irene Podowski Graduate Student Award
Awards are to be presented annually to a graduate student who, prior to finishing the third year of his/her studies, will have submitted a technical paper to an archival journal.

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