Senior Design Projects 2023

Here is the class of 2023 and their Senior Design Projects

Class 2023


The purpose of this project is to create a design of a molten salt reactor that breeds uranium fuel from thorium throughout its life cycle. The power output of this reactor is 300 MW thermal and 100 MW electric. Two methods of reactivity control have been incorporated in this design, namely control rods and dissolved boron. The molten salt fuel circulates through the primary loop of the reactor, passing through a graphite moderator stringer in the core. Unlike a traditional light water reactor, the moderator is stationary, and the fuel is dissolved in the coolant.

The purpose of this project is to The main objective of this project is to show that there are potential benefits to power companies, specifically those using pressurized water reactors such as the Westinghouse AP-1000. To understand the plausibility and ramifications of any fuel pellet changes, it is important to check environmental and societal effects. The method of production for optimizing a fuel pellet chosen was usage of 3D printing’s ability to extrude material into complex shapes using different materials.

Use of a Xe-100 Reactor has been found to have favorable properties when paired with a hydrogen producing Sulfur-Iodine Thermo-Chemical Process. This process has been chosen due to the robust nature of the safety concerns in merging a hydrogen-based system with a nuclear system. A Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is being done for this cogeneration system due to the associated risk factors of using hydrogen in proximity to a nuclear reactor. Dymola is currently being used to simulate the cogeneration process.

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