The purpose of this project is to create detailed designs for criticality experiments sensitive to iron and chromium in the low intermediate, high intermediate, and fast neutron energy ranges. The experiments are designed for the Comet Critical assembly, located at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), which is managed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Determination of specific materials for use in the experiment including the assembly reflector, fuel plates, iron/chromium test plates, and moderator plates is executed. Materials already available at LANL are utilized where possible, and configurations of the fuel, test, and moderator plates are determined to create a critical system. These configurations are a series of repeated units consisting of the aforementioned plates, and simulations using MCNP are performed to evaluate each configuration for energy, criticality, and sensitivity of the neutron distribution produced. Fig. 2 shows the designed Comet assembly model within MCNP, including the reflector and using MCNP universes.
Team: Alexander Hauck, Cassandra Clute, Alexander Fung, Max Rose
Project Advisors: Prof. Yaron Danon, Dr. Nicholas Thompson (LANL), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), & Noah Kleedtke (LANL)