The goals for this project included: designing a core with a minimum lifetime/refueling cycle of sixty years, designing a core with a power rating of 1000 MWt, and decreasing the exposure to workers in the power plant. By offer a lifetime of at least 60 years, the design will be competitive with the present fleet of commercial reactors. The low power rating would allow for there to be flexibility in the placement of the reactor into the electric grid. Since no single power plant is allowed to provide the majority of the power entering the grid, smaller power reactors provide more placement options. Lastly, the decrease in required refueling maintenance will help to cut back on the radiation exposure to workers in the plant.
Team: Martin Bui, Hanna Johnson, Trevor Molineaux, William Venden, Megan Wart
Project Advisor: Dr. Sasstry Sreepada
Project Description
The goals for this project included: designing a core with a minimum lifetime/refueling cycle of sixty years, designing a core with a power rating of 1000 MWt, and decreasing the exposure to workers in the power plant. By offer a lifetime of at least 60 years, the design will be competitive with the present fleet of commercial reactors. The low power rating would allow for there to be flexibility in the placement of the reactor into the electric grid. Since no single power plant is allowed to provide the majority of the power entering the grid, smaller power reactors provide more placement options. Lastly, the decrease in required refueling maintenance will help to cut back on the radiation exposure to workers in the plant.